Social Studies
Welcome to the Middle School Social Studies Department!
6th grade Social Studies
Course Description: Social Studies focuses on ancient civilizations. We will be learning about 5 major civilizations: Egypt, China, Greece, Rome, and the Middle Ages. Read full course description here (pdf).
7th grade Social Studies
Read full course description here (pdf).

Ms. Johnson’s students learned about Confucius during their Ancient China unit. Confucius was credited with being China’s first teacher and philosopher. They learned about his life and how his teachings impacted Chinese culture. Each student chose one of his well-known sayings that stood out to them, wrote a short paragraph about what it means to them, and then created artistic posters.
Social Studies Teachers
Samantha Aklestad
MS Social Studies, MS Technology Education
Bronson Ericksen
MS Social Studies, MS Music Theory
Laura Johnson
6th Grade Reading & Social Studies