Bigfork School District 38
Welcome to Bigfork School PTA!
The PTA is a group of teachers, parents, and guardians that work together to help plan activities for our students and help our school reach its goals. We are always eager to welcome new members! We host multiple activities each year, ranging from Santa Shop to the Fun Run!
Enroll or renew your membership on The link will take you to the Bigfork Givebacks front page, from there please click on View Store to get to the different options for joining PTA. Thank you for supporting Bigfork School PTA!

Bigfork PTA’s Annual Santa Shop – December 3-6, 2024
The PTA Elves have been working hard preparing for the 2024 Santa Shop! Our Santa Shop is a fun way for students to purchase low-cost gifts ranging from $1-15, gift wrap them and bring them home as a true surprise. Students will be able to purchase gifts for their parents or primary caregivers only. The maximun amount that students can spend is $15 per adult.
Elementary teachers have a pre-arranged day and time when their students will shop.
Note: Students should come prepared with their shopping list filled out (see handout that has been sent home with all elementary students).