Welcome to the Middle School English Department

Mrs. Appleby’s 8th grade English students doing a Silent Debate Activity, where they write their paragraph arguments back and forth to each other. They researched the various theories explaining Edgar Allan Poe’s death and then they pick a theory to explain and defend against their classmates. (School Year 2023-2024)

Mrs. Appleby’s 8th grade English students doing a hands-on activity for their Edgar Allan Poe Unit. They are visualizing the literature they are reading by building life size replicas of scenes from the short story The Cask of Amontillado. (School Year 2022-2023)
6th Grade Language Arts
6th Grade Reading
The 6th grade reading class is primarily novel-based. Students will read novels from a variety of genres but also be exposed to short stories, informational text, and plays. Read full course description here (pdf).
8th Grade English
8th Grade Honors English
English Teachers
Shannon Appleby
8th Grade English
Carol Bernard
MS English
Elizabeth Fetterhoff
6th grade English/Language Arts, Personal Finance, Best Self, and MS RTI
Laura Johnson
6th Grade Reading & Social Studies