Cave Club

Welcome to the Bigfork High School Cave Club!

The Bigfork High School Cave Club was created in 2005 to provide high school students with the opportunity to participate in recreational activities through cave exploration, and work with land managing agencies to restore and conserve fragile cave resources.

The club maintains an active membership of about 15 students, who participates in a couple recreational trips each year in addition to a number of conservation projects.

The Cave Club has over the years been rewarded a number of awards, for example the 2010 President’s Environmental Youth Award (PEYA) for their work in Glacier National Park, and again in 2019 for their work in conserving bats facing the threat of White Nose Syndrome.

Find our more about the history of the Cave Club and the projects the club has been involved in on the cave club website

Cave Club Contact

Hans Bodenhamer
HS Science